Hey, it’s great to have you here! I’m the founder of Next Level Behavior, and I wanted to take a moment to share a little about myself and what this brand stands for. I’m a 34-year-old Black gay man based in Los Angeles, California. Like many of you, I’ve had my own battles with feeling sexy and comfortable in my own skin. For a long time, I believed I couldn’t pull off the bold, cool styles of men's underwear like thongs and jockstraps because I wasn’t fully in love with my body.

But here’s the thing—I realized it doesn’t matter what your body looks like. Everyone is sexy to someone else, but most importantly, you should be sexy to yourself. You should feel attracted to the person you see in the mirror, whether you’re nude or rocking a pair of our sexy underwear from Next Level Behavior. That’s the vibe I want everyone to feel when they wear our products: confident, empowered, and unapologetically sexy.

Next Level Behavior is all about embracing who you are and expressing that confidence through fashion. Outside of our underwear collection, we also offer fun graphic tees for people who are comfortable in their skin and love to have a good time. These tees aren’t for the uptight—they’re for those who want to live life with a smile, laugh, and just vibe.

As a serial entrepreneur, I’ve also got a clothing company (but that’s a story for another time). I’m definitely planning to bring even more fashion, apparel, and accessories to Next Level Behavior, and eventually, I’ll expand to include the fierce women out there too. But for now, I’m focusing on building this brand into something that helps all of us feel a little more comfortable, a little more confident, and a whole lot sexier.

Thank you so much for being here and taking the time to read this. Trust me when I say, we’ve got so much more coming your way. Stay tuned!

With love and confidence,

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